April 4, 2020

How to manage your day to day work using technology

Hello there guys, it is 2020 and we are all tied up with multiple responsibilities of work and leisure. It is a fast pace life all over the world, whether you are situated in any of the 7 continents, off course not Antarctica :p.

Busy in life, use technology
This article is specially for those people who do not have a personal advisory/secretory/helper, more like a right hand guy who takes care of you and your day to day tasks, like make you go to the gym, attend that 10 AM meeting or even tell you to take your medicines.

People like these spend their day to day life, getting up and ready, going to work or even working from home. cooking, chit chatting, watching movies, doing your hobbies, keeping healthy and so on.

Its a mixed life for everyone these days because there is SO MUCH to do these days that even a lifespan of 100 years won't be enough for us.

What do we do?:

So basically to fix this we have priorities in place where we put a list of stuff in our heads to have it properly completed, lets call them tasks, any big or small work is started with a task.
To solve a big complex problem or finish a big lengthy job you need to have it broken down with tasks.

These tasks can be managed by simply having it noted down in a book or the best way a task board which can be stuck behind your wardrobe.
Here is where the technology comes into play, we all have those smartphones, we all desire to have that Jarvis AI from IRON MAN, but we still have 5-10 years to go till that happens.

The technology:

Take out your smartphone and download the best and simplest apps that is call any.do (https://www.any.do/).
It is a nicely build, plain simple, easy to use app which reminds you of your day to day tasks, it is free to use and also has a premium version which gives an added advantage.

An average human being does not complete even 50% of their tasks because high changes are they forget about it or even possibly don't have time to do it.

ANY.DO lets you manage it, I am personally using it since 2013 when I had my first smartphone the Google Nexus 4, and my efficiency increased from 50% to 80%.

Any do to do task

Most importantly it helps me remember the tasks I need to do, being a software engineer I have over 20-30 tasks to be done in an average day, that includes, taking my daily medicines, my important meetings, buying groceries, meeting friends.

Use of technologies like this helps us add so much value to life and makes it much more easy in this times of hustle and bustle.

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