Please see the processors specifications click on the respective processor to see its specifications.
i7-740QM i7-2630QM
The main difference between the two processors is that the 740 has 1.73GHz base clock and the 2630 has a base of 2.00 GHz base clock now that a very big difference in performance. The 2630QM scores good benchmark points. It is a new processor released in January 2011 and the i7 is 1 year old. If your are looking to buy a performance machine worth the money then 2630 is the way to go.
The 2630 has also in built Graphics processor which is obviously low end, but it is good enough to play the low end games which aren't much speed hungry like Fifa 11.
The 740 would perform very good but its less than the 2630 processor so the 2630 is better than 740 in terms of price and performance. The 2630 is also known as the Sandy Bridge in code name as it is one of the outstanding intel 2nd generation Core processors.
Also both processors have the same turbo boost clock capability, but turbo boost doesn't really matter, it is the base clock which really matter, thats is what makes 2630 superior to 740
Below is the 740QM in Amazon it is available for separate in the market.
Though I wont recommend buy and installing your own mobile CPUs but giving it a shot is always worth it mostly.
Laptops with the i7 2630QM CPU do come under 1000$ which makes it really worth buying. I have posted some laptops with the i7 2630QM CPUs.

i7-740QM i7-2630QM
The main difference between the two processors is that the 740 has 1.73GHz base clock and the 2630 has a base of 2.00 GHz base clock now that a very big difference in performance. The 2630QM scores good benchmark points. It is a new processor released in January 2011 and the i7 is 1 year old. If your are looking to buy a performance machine worth the money then 2630 is the way to go.
The 2630 has also in built Graphics processor which is obviously low end, but it is good enough to play the low end games which aren't much speed hungry like Fifa 11.
The 740 would perform very good but its less than the 2630 processor so the 2630 is better than 740 in terms of price and performance. The 2630 is also known as the Sandy Bridge in code name as it is one of the outstanding intel 2nd generation Core processors.
Also both processors have the same turbo boost clock capability, but turbo boost doesn't really matter, it is the base clock which really matter, thats is what makes 2630 superior to 740
Below is the 740QM in Amazon it is available for separate in the market.
Though I wont recommend buy and installing your own mobile CPUs but giving it a shot is always worth it mostly.
Laptops with the i7 2630QM CPU do come under 1000$ which makes it really worth buying. I have posted some laptops with the i7 2630QM CPUs.